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Have a drop down list of last 10 Destination folders instead of just the explorer alone option - need both

where the Destination Field is, add beside the Explorer folder a drop down box that shows the last 10 folders used for scan destinations.

W Carter , 28.01.2011, 18:12
Idea status: completed


Steve, 05.09.2011, 09:04
How is this 'completed'? The program doesn't yet include this feature.
constantable, 05.09.2011, 09:15
Click on the Destination field and you will see drop down that shows 5 recent folders. Not 10 but 5, is this what you mean?
Steve, 05.09.2011, 09:40
OK - but this seems not to work perfectly. The last but one scan dir I used isn't listed - possibly because I've closed and reopened the program in between.

Perhaps this is why my first checking didn't show that the feature was included. Or it could just be me.

Thanks for the helpful reply.

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